




  • 2010年02月13日播出敬请关注!

  • 比尔·马厄:但我没有错在哪里可以观看全集?

  • 可以在奇热777电影网观看比尔·马厄:但我没有错,https://www.qire777.com/video/125901.html。

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  • 更新时间暂未获取可以到百度百科查一查。

  • 比尔·马厄:但我没有错剧情简介?

  • Bill Maher's ninth stand-up special airs 13 Feb on HBO.In the special, Maher's going to address whether the "Great Recession" is really over; the fake patriotism of the right wing; what goes on in the mind of a terrorist; why Obama needs a posse instead of the secret service; the drug war; Michael Jackson; getting out of Iraq and Afghanistan; racism; the Teabagger movement; religion; the healthcare fight; why Gov. Mark Sanford will come out looking good, and how silly it is to ask "Why do men cheat?"; and why comedy most definitely didn't die when George Bush left office.…